Mrs.Bernadette Ravikumar
Mrs.Bernadette, a Dedicated Teacher and an Able Administrator began her alma mater as a post Graduate Teacher in English in June 1989. Her love for teaching nurtured right from her school days when she had an exposure to the atmosphere of English and an opportunity to learn values. Since then her Teachers identified her as an exemplary student and that helped her to discover an excellent teacher in her. From then, she had been working in pursuit of the ideals of an excellent teacher.
Her dedication to this field, proved itself in her promotion as Principal in a span of four years. From June 1996 till date she has served as a very responsible and duty bound Principal. During her tenure of work she has brought and is bringing laurels and credentials to the institutions.
As a Principal, she knows the duties and responsibilities and carries them out efficiently and meticulously well. She guides all the Teachers and Students to self- development and to lead a purposeful life. She has brought about an entire transformation of the Academic side for both the Teachers and the Students.
Mrs. Bernadette puts her foot down on two streams – on Punctuality and on Discipline.
Her motto is “Plan your work, work out your plan“.
She always insists on Teachers Planning, organizing and Executing their lessons without any deviations from the current syllabus. She invokes great interest in developing the Moral and Human values in her Students and Teachers and never let them deviate from values. The maintenance of records are always updated with curacy and kept ready for inspection, at any time.
Being a result-oriented person too, she is very firm on Teachers preparing their Lessons thoroughly before Teaching and Coaching the Students successfully. This credited her in achieving cent percent results in the Board Examinations for STDS TEN and TWELVE. She strongly believes in the Talent and Usefulness of every Teacher and Student and derives the best of them. Even in Extra-Curricular Activities and Inter-School Competitions she makes the students come out successfully through encouraging them saying – “Winning is not important, tits Participation that counts a lot”.
Inspite of her holding Office as a Principal, she loves teaching, She never hesitates to involve herself to teaching a subject be it either a Nursery class, a Primary class, an Elementary Class or a Secondary class. Her urge for Teaching can never be extinguished. She makes her students love their Subject, executes her class with simplicity and communicates to the Students effectively and adapts practical techniques to carry out the best performance from her students. She concentrates on the weaker section of the students, steps down to their level and brings out the best in them. Be it any occasion, Academic, Religious, cultural or National, the conduct of it is exceptional and flawless.
Joining Geethanjalee in May 2004 with 112 Students, today in a span of 20 years under her guidance , Geethanjalee has grown into one of the best schools in Coimbatore.Her Decision-making in the school is apt, she maintains the order and discipline of the school efficiently well and is optimistic in developing good relations amongst the Teachers without Prejudice or Partiality and is very careful and ear nest in fostering the School morale.
To quote her in a nutshell she is what Swami vekananda said –
“Stand up, be Bold, be Strong, take the whole responsibility on your
Shoulders and know that you are the Creator of your own destiny,
All the Strength and Succor you want is within yourself.
Therefore Make your own future”.
And this is what she has made Geethanjalee Matriculation Hr. Sec. School into What Geethanjalee is today.

Principal's Message:

“Geethanjalee” is a truly a ground-breaking learning environment that provides exceptionally high standards of education to Students. Irrespective of its curriculum, we will make its tag-line “Success for All” a reality for all our students through good teaching in a safe, secure and stimulating environment with each day being a new experience.
A kaleidoscope of extra-curricular activities, community involvement programmes and school events support our teaching philosophy of preparing the students for the world and the challenges of the future.
“Accepting that we are all Different, yet recognising that we are All the Same” helps the students to develop the values, principles and ethics that are respected, admired and accepted in all cultures and religions. Students are taught healthy social attitudes and a spirit of humanity providing the ethical foundations and social skills to guide them through life.We aim at developing each student’s own individual potential for leadership either as a motivator of others or themselves, discovering and aspiring to one’s own special area of excellence. The future is exciting, and we look forward to equipping our students for that future, as the foundations we lay will last a life time.